Monday, September 22, 2008

Acid Reflux Linked to Chronic Croup

Title: Acid Reflux Linked to Chronic Croup
Category: Health News
Created: 9/22/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 9/22/2008

Tea tree oil is one of the most popular home remedy for fingernail fungus. This oil is extracted from the stem and leaves of the tea tree of Australia. This tea tree oils is scientifically proven for its amazing antifungal properties. This tea tree oil can be directly applied over the infected finger nail. This tea tree oil can penetrate the finger nail better than any other oil and banish the fungus there by curing the condition. Tea tree oil is available in the pure form or in the blended form with other ingredients.

Generally the soaking has to be continued till the fungus infection is cleared in total which may take few weeks or even few months. In case quick results are expected thinning of the affected finger nail may be tried which will facilitate more absorption of the killer [fungus] solution.

One of the popular home remedy is soaking the finger nail infected in a solution that can kill the fungus that cause the discoloration, thickening and disfiguration etc. The solutions that are used most often for this purpose are diluted vinegar, bleaching powder, and hydrogen peroxide.

Natural Home Remedies For Treating Fingernail And Toenail Fungus Infections

Home remedies for fingernail fungus infection has popularly been in use for so many years. The reasons are many. One of the main reasons is that fingernail infection is not a new disease. It is in existence for more than thousand years. Our ancestors practiced home remedies for fingernail fungus, as the science was not developed as it had developed now. Besides the drugs that are used now days cause various side effects and are expensive as well.

This is the most hated fungus infection as it is very difficult to hide the infected fingernail from others and also contagious. The affected nail will be thicker than the normal one and the color will be either yellow or brown [at times black]. The fungus can also affect the nail bed and there can be inflammation and pain. The major cause of infection is drop in immunity [AIDS, old age] and the factors that favor fungal multiplication such as wet hand, tight fitting gloves. The home remedies for fingernail fungus infection are the best and let us discuss about it here.

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allergic sinusitis
acute sinusitis Infection
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School-Based Efforts Boost Kids' Fruit, Vegetable Intake

Title: School-Based Efforts Boost Kids' Fruit, Vegetable Intake
Category: Health News
Created: 9/19/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 9/19/2008

Doctor's Specialty Influences Treatment Plan
You may think that your doctor is knowledgeable in all methods of treating your illness. The truth is if you go to ten different doctors you'll probably get five different treatment plans. What drives the decision for the doctor? The doctor's specialty will drive the decision. If you got to someone for a diagnosis who is a surgeon, invariably the first line of defense will be surgery. Understand that the bias is based on the lens the physician look through based on years of specialty training and their inherent belief that their sub-specialty is the key to wellness.

Newly Diagnosed - 3 Reasons to Get a Second Opinion

Reassurance of Both Diagnosis and Treatment Protocol
Some diseases don't have what doctor's call a differential diagnosis; meaning that the diagnosis couldn't be something else based on specific test results like a pathology report for those diagnosed with cancer. However, if you are diagnosed with a chronic illness or some rare disorder that most doctors don't see in the course of their practice you want to make sure the diagnosis is correct. One way of accomplishing that is to go see a specialist who treats that particular disorder. If only 100 cases a year are diagnosed then the odds are good that one or a group of physicians see these cases for confirming the diagnosis and the most recent treatment protocols. If the doctor doesn't specialize in rare diseases you may not get the most up-to-date treatment and that can derail your journey to wellness.

Our culture has taught us not to question the expertise of a doctor. Unfortunately, that thinking has led many diagnosed with a life-altering health diagnosis with either lackluster care or minimal if any alternatives. It's important to remember that in this day and age there is always an option and there isn't only one answer to solve the problem.

Peace of Mind
Before committing to a treatment plan, the second opinion is a self-empowerment tool. Although many doctors look at the second opinion as challenging their competence, in fact it's a way of grounding yourself in the diagnosis. Getting confirmation of the diagnosis and another doctor's opinion on treatment opens the door for you to not only get the best treatment, but also gives you the opportunity to see which provider you have better chemistry with and that also improves the outcome.

When getting a second opinion go outside the medical group where you were first diagnosed. Doctors who work together or are part of the same hospital system often think the same way based on policy from the administrators. Getting both a fresh pair of eyes to look at your case along with a system that has different policies will give you a more objective view of your case. If there's a teaching hospital in your area you might consider that for your second opinion because there is more inclination to dissect your case amongst many practitioners as a learning tool, but also based on the latest evidence and research newer therapies may be presented.

Treatment Methods For Acute Sinusitis
allergic sinusitis infection
treatment methods for allergic sinusitis
treatment methods for allergic sinusitis
allergic sinusitis headache