Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Cholesterol Drugs May Raise Post-Op Delirium Risk

Title: Cholesterol Drugs May Raise Post-Op Delirium Risk
Category: Health News
Created: 9/23/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 9/23/2008

There are several ways of curing sinus pain. There are several over the counter medicines available. The role of these over the counter medicines is to re-open the nasal passage, reduce pain and reduce chances of further complications. Antibiotics and decongestants are also used to cure sinusitis as well.

Sinus pain refers to the pain caused due to inflamed lining of the sinus cavities. There are four sinus cavities in the human skull. The inflammation could be due to bacteria, virus or some allergy e.g. allergy from pollen, dust or smoke.

Sinus pain is normally accompanied by symptoms like fatigue, low grade fever and greenish yellow nasal discharge. This nasal discharge may even be blood tinged at times. Several patients may also develop double or blurred vision. Temporary blindness is also caused in some rare cases.

Nasal sprays are another way of treating sinus induced pain. These nasal sprays can be either medicated or non-medicated. Non-medicated sprays are basically saline water sprays which are used to clear the infected mucous from the sinus cavity. Medicated nasal sprays are decongestants which are used to decongest the swollen nasal membranes. There is a chance of a patient getting addicted to medicated nasal sprays while there is no risk of a patient getting addicted to non-medicated nasal sprays.

Ways of Curing Sinus Pain

Sinus pain could occur in the head, cheeks, jaws or teeth. The location of the sinus pain depends entirely on which sinus is affected. Affected frontal sinuses can cause pain in the eye brow and the forehead may be tender to touch. Maxillary sinuses can cause pain in the upper jaw, teeth and cheeks. Inflammation of ethmoid sinuses can cause pain around the eyes and on either side of the nose. Sphenoid sinuses can cause your temples to ache. They also cause pain behind the eyes and on top of your head. Ear aches and pain in the neck are also induced by inflamed sphenoid sinuses.

allergic sinusitis methods
allergic sinusitis
allergic sinusitis infection
allergic sinusitis treaments
Treatment Methods For Acute Sinusitis