Saturday, September 27, 2008

How to Grade the Presidential Debates

Title: How to Grade the Presidential Debates
Category: Health News
Created: 9/26/2008
Last Editorial Review: 9/26/2008

- Avoid straining your eyes

Natural and holistic treatments can reduce the symptoms associated with Bitot's spots. Treatments such as herbal and homeopathic remedies are gentle to use, safe and highly effective. Herbs such as Vaccinium myrtillus (bilberry), Aspalathus linearis (Rooibos) and Sutherlandia frutescens support the natural ability of the eye to resist infection and disease.

The diagnosis of Bitot's spots will be confirmed by an eye specialist or opthalmologist. Vitamin A status is measured by tests for retinol, with bloodserum retinol concentrations of 30-60 mg/dl considered in the normal range. Levels that fall below this range indicate Vitamin A deficiency.

- Dry skin and hair - Increased incidence of ear infection, sinusitis, respiratory infection, urinary infection, and digestive problems - Drying of the cornea with ulceration - xerophthalmia - Inability to gain weight - Nervous disorders - Skin sores - There may be night blindness or a decreased ability for dark adaptation

Treating Bitot's spots first and foremost involves improving the individual's diet. Regular and adequate intake of foods rich in Vitamin A can reduce symptoms of Bitot's spots such as night blindness. Other medical conditions such as respiratory tract infections, diarrhea and measles that may be present should also be treated immediately.

Preventing Bitot's Spots

Symptoms and Signs of Vitamin A Deficiency

Diagnosing Bitot's Spots

In order to prevent Bitot's spots, there are certain lifestyle changes that need to be adhered to and they include:

Usually, topical antibiotics are administered to prevent secondary bacterial infection. Vitamin A deficiency and the early stages of xerophthalmia can be reversed by administration of a massive dose (200,000 IU or 110 mg of retinol palmitate) orally on two successive days. Children with corneal ulcers should receive vitamin A whether or not a deficiency is suspected.

Natural Remedies for Bitot's Spots

These herbal ingredients promote the health and strength of eye capillaries, and maintain a healthy supply of blood, oxygen and essential nutrients to the eye - essential for eye health.

- Increase your intake of Vitamin A supplements and beta-carotene

- Protect your eyes from direct and indirect sunlight

Bitot's Spots

- A protein rich diet is essential and should include meat, liver, eggs, milk, dairy products and vegetables

What Causes Bitot's Spots?

This condition results from a buildup of keratinized epithelial debris and secretions that can be found in the conjunctiva. These spots are a sign of Vitamin A deficiency and are usually accompanied by night blindness.

Help for Bitot's Spots

- Drink fresh carrot juice to prevent or alleviate some eye problems

- Two tablespoons of cod liver oil taken daily is also rich in vitamin A

- Avoid smoke-filled rooms

allergic sinus
acute sinusitis
treatment methods for allergic sinusitis
allergic sinusitis treaments
Sinus Headache Symptoms

Surgery May Not Help Most People With Narrowed Brain Artery

Title: Surgery May Not Help Most People With Narrowed Brain Artery
Category: Health News
Created: 9/26/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 9/26/2008

Lack of focus is sometimes a purposeful self-defeating tactic your subconscious uses to keep you from success. Success is NOT a destination. It's a journey.

Let me make one thing clear right now: It is not the net's fault for not providing us with real opportunity.

So what's the problem? Well, none if you are one of the small businesses with focus. A whole lot of problems if you lack focus.

We all know there are tons of opportunities out there. That is a fact. It's time now to get the stars out of your eyes, choose your niche, your product, your affiliate program or your MLM, and get to work. Make a vow not to stop until you are where you want to be financially.

Then you get an email from a friend or associate telling you that you HAVE to check out the latest and greatest. You do. It's an awesome opportunity. You look at your plate and it's already full with your current project, but the plate has a lot of things on it you really don't enjoy doing. It's a lot of work to make any business pay off, as you can see from the short list above.

The question is not "Can you really make money online?" This has been proven time and again over the years by thousands of people, many of whom you read about all the time.

It should be no surprise the next time you get an email with the next best thing inside. You should say to yourself "That's great! Another opportunity for someone has just been born! But I am busy with MY business and cannot take on another venture at this time."

But this NEW thing is exciting, fresh, new. It draws you in and it's MUCH more fun to think about success than it is to do the work it takes to achieve it, so you buy in. You get a ton of tools to start this new venture. It's all overwhelming, especially since you have gone back to your first venture and realized you now have TWO great things that can both make you money, but they BOTH need your attention on a grand scale in order to see profit.

If you have been on the internet for awhile, you know that there are millions of people trying anything and everything to get your attention. They want in your wallet. It's a great big money grab out there folks, and the net has become the biggest marketing arena on the planet, driving whole industries and generating Billions of dollars in sales.

What I am talking about here is something I call "Sign-up-Itis."

We Do It On Purpose

Throw the rest in the trash.

The cure for Sign-up-itis is focus and hard work. Success is something you decide to achieve one day. It's that decision that is often the biggest hurdle any future success story has to conquer.

Wear electronic blinders. Keep lean and mean and only take on new responsibilities that will be good for your CURRENT business.

You see the more you become active on the net as either someone looking for the right opportunity, or as someone who has found the right opportunity already, the more you are bombarded with choices. Everyday you get emails saying that the next best thing since sliced bread has come along.

Focus and Fear of Success - The Biggest Monkey on Your Back?

There are myriad small business opportunities on the net today. And if you do your research and find something you want to associate with, or you create a product for a well-researched target market, you are well on your way to financial success. Or are you?

It goes like this: You find your focus, you are fired up. All is good and you are ready to start working on the hundreds of little things you need to do to get traffic and make sales. You need to get good search engine positioning, you need a links campaign, you have to research ezines in your niche and place ads, you need to set up joint ventures, you need to create and update content on your site, set up a merchant account, a delivery system, and the list goes on from there.

The question is "Do you really want to be one of those people, or are you stuck in a cycle of constantly sabotaging your success with a lack of focus?"

Not to be confused with Sinusitis, which can be just as debilitating.

And that journey scares the hell out of 99% of normal, everyday people. So be it. It IS scary to think of radical life changes, even if they are for what you consider to be far better than your current situation!

Make hard decisions and stick to them, then begin the process of working on a focused, tight marketing campaign to make whatever venture you choose the venture that sets you free.

The problem lies with your focus and your fear of success. You must CHOOSE the opportunity you are passionate about, or create a product you stand behind and love, and then hunker down for the long-haul! Make yourself do everything you are taught to do to build your business and build it - all the way or not at all.

But don't let a lack of focus and your fear of success tear you away from your dreams. USE your fear and confront it, right now. Today.

About The Author

Opportunity abounds and is right there for us to snatch up and achieve success. Never let yourself fall into the trap of reasoning your way out of success. "It's not for me." "I can't do this - it's for people much better with computers and internet marketing than me."

"It's Much More Fun To Think About Success Than It Is To Do The Work It Takes To Achieve It"

Now, here is the part where most people give up. They say to themselves "Internet marketing is nothing more than a series of steps that I cannot complete. I am always excited when I get started on something, but when it comes down to DOING what I start, it gets hard and doesn't happen as fast as I would like it to."

The new "thing" demands your attention and you get nervous that you might be missing out on another opportunity for fiancial success.

allergic sinusitis treaments
acute sinusitis Infection
Treatment Methods For Acute Sinusitis
acute sinusitis Infection
allergic sinusitis